Selasa, 29 Maret 2016


Hello, folks!
How have you been? :) I hope you are feeling okay.
And well ... If you ask me I’m kinda nervous rn. Lol. I wish you don’t ask why.
And hey, welcome to my blog!
Actually, this isn’t my first blog. Tbh, I made the first blog is in 2009, and to make the story short I was kinda preoccupied with school and so on so i forgot and bla-bla-blah, until i remembered two years ago and decided to make another account because the former was so ‘alay’ (pfft) and everything! so i really can’t read it anymore because it’s too fabulous –no, i mean humiliating me. Meh, you know puberty, right ....
So, the profile said that I want to make some kicks two years ago .... once again I was busy with works, and school, and ... my privat life. Two years later, lecturer wants the students to make a blog and ta-da! Finally ....My lazy bones decide to move with the cracking sounds and whatsover .... ww. Many thanks to Lecturers!
(Thou that in fact I want the first post means to upload in my main blog that I haven’t been deciding what should I use for)
The main reasons why this blog shows up: Assignment.
Lecturer wants us to write 4 posts:
1. the Birthplace
2. FEB UNMER Malang
3. Workplace
4. Malang City

Without further ado, ladies and gentlemen! This is my Birthplace!
OMG! I can’t find the picture from Granpa Google. sobs
Wait! Granpa didn’t give me any information of it.
Should I give up?
I’m just starting my first post. Geez.
I only find the map. Lol.

/////Okay, I know lecturers won’t give us extra time to read thirty-something of students multiply 4 posts, right? //////
I know I’ll be sorry if I only write 500 words only. At least I give my birthplace information. Don’t blame me, blame Grandpa. Why he didn’t have even a single picture of it. Bye.
I mean ... stay?
Yea, yea! I’ll write anything.
So, because there isn’t any single information I only give you my point of view about this place.
Years ago, I was born in Malang. To be specific, I was born in Rumah Bersalin (Maternity Hospital) of NU Mubarot. It located in Aries Munandar St., No. 19, Malang, East Java, Indonesia. I didn’t know until days ago when Grandpa Google said that the name of MH is NU Mubarot. I was calling it as MH NU 36 instead, because the location nears NU 36 Kindergarten (Which I was attended when I was so young and crybaby).
I don’t really know the history of it. But I think the MH have been so old, because my elder brother was born there too. Maybe it has been more than thirty years old already (whoa!) I should ask my mother about it.
I can’t say that the MH is still exist or not. If it still exist, I think the MH won’t bustling as ten more years ago because people here choose the popular MH one. Yeah, as I recall NU Mubarot doesn’t have a big building. It has the stereotype hospital looks, with white wall and so on. The last time I went in there was ... when my little sister was born. She was a big fat baby, with red cheeks and crying like there is no tomorrow. And I was only four years old staring at her because the nurse pierced her earlobes. And my mother was calling me several times but I remember I didn’t give even a single darn, because i just had the curiousity on me. That was more than eighteen years old already.orz. Time flies so faaaaast. Lol. The afterwards is just when I passed by but I didn’t really pay attention to it.
I passed 600+ words already.
Well, yeah!
////Seriously, I just want this first post meets its end already///
That’s the only thing I can share you about my birthplace.
I hope I meet someone who share the same birthplace with me someday. (Anything happens in internet, right? www. )
Well, last but not least because I have to write another 3 posts ... I’m sorry if there are misstyping, wrong grammar, or something miss guided because of my informations.
I know that writing is seriously fun. And in case there is a reader who asks why I use English instead of Bahasa Indonesia.
“Biarlah seikat bulu ulet ini berkembang, siapa tahu jadi bulu ketek. Hehe.”
See, you!
Have a great day!

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